Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Worldless Wednesdays - Iconic Cathedrals
Las Lajas Catherdal- Columbia
For More Wordless Wednesday Participants
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Arabic Words in Spanish
If you speak either Spanish or English, you probably speak more Arabic than you think you do.It's not "real" Arabic you're speaking, but rather words that come from Arabic. After Latin and English, Arabic is probably the biggest contributor of words to the> Spanish language, and a large portion of English-Spanish cognates (words that the two language share) that don't come from Latin come from Arabic.
The English words you're most likely to think of as Arabic origin are those that start with "al-," words such as "algebra," "Allah," "alkali" and "alchemy," and they exist in Spanish as álgebra, Alá, álkali and alkimia, respectively. But they are far from the only ones. A variety of other types of common words such as "coffee," "zero" and "sugar" (café, cero and azúcar in Spanish) also come from Arabic.
The etymology of English words goes beyond the scope of this article, but the introduction of Arabic words into Spanish began in earnest in the eighth century, although even before then some words of Latin and Greek origin had roots in Arabic. People living in what is now Spain spoke Latin at one time, of course, but over the centuries Spanish and other Romance languages such as French and Italian gradually differentiated themselves. The Latin dialect that eventually became Spanish was highly influenced by the invasion of the Arabic-speaking Moors in 711. For many centuries, Latin/Spanish and Arabic existed side by side, and even today many Spanish place names retain Arabic roots. It wasn't until late in the 15th century that the Moors were expelled, and by then literally thousands of Arabic words had become part of Spanish.
On the next page are some of the most common Arabic-origin Spanish words you'll come across. As you can see, many of the words also are a part of English. Although it is believed that the English words "alfalfa" and "alcove," which originally were Arabic, entered English by way of Spanish (alfalfa and alcoba), most Arabic words in English probably entered English by other routes. Not all possible English translations of the Spanish words are listed.
aceite — oil
adobe — adobe
aduana — customs (as at a border)
ajedrez — chess
Alá — Allah
alacrán — scorpion
albacora — albacore
albahaca — basil
alberca — tank, swimming pool
alcade — mayor
alcatraz — pelican
alcázar — fortress, palace
alcoba — bedroom, alcove
alcohol — alcohol
aldea — village (same source as English word "alderman")
alfombra — carpet
algarroba — carob
algodón — cotton
algoritmo — algorithm
alkimia — alchemy
almacén — storage
almanaque — almanac
almirante — admiral
almohada — pillow
alquiler — rent
amalgama — amalgam
arroz — rice
asesino — assassin
atún — tuna
ayatolá — ayatollah
azafrán — saffron
azúcar — sugar
azul — blue (same source as English "azure")
baño — bathroom
barrio — district
berenjena — eggplant
burca — burqa
café — coffee
cero — zero
chisme — gossip, gadget
Corán — Koran
cuzcuz — couscous
dado — die (singular of "dice")
embarazada — pregnant
espinaca — spinach
fez — fez
fulano — what's-his-name
gacela — gazelle
guitarra — guitar
hachís — hashish
harén — harem
hasta — until
imán — imam
islam — Islam
jaque — check (in chess)
jaque mate — checkmate
jirafa — giraffe
laca — lacquer
lila — lilac
lima — lime
limón — lemon
macabro — macabre
marfil — marble, ivory
masacre — massacre
masaje — massage
máscara — mask
mazapán — marzipan
mezquita — mosque
momia — mummy
mono — monkey
muslim — muslim
naranja — orange
ojalá — I hope, God willing
olé — bravo
paraíso — paradise
ramadán — Ramadan
rehén — hostage
rincón — corner, nook
sorbete — sherbet
sofá — sofa
rubio — blond
talco — talc
tamarindo — tamarind
tarea — task
tarifa — tariff
toronja — grapefruit
zanahoria — carrot
The English words you're most likely to think of as Arabic origin are those that start with "al-," words such as "algebra," "Allah," "alkali" and "alchemy," and they exist in Spanish as álgebra, Alá, álkali and alkimia, respectively. But they are far from the only ones. A variety of other types of common words such as "coffee," "zero" and "sugar" (café, cero and azúcar in Spanish) also come from Arabic.
The etymology of English words goes beyond the scope of this article, but the introduction of Arabic words into Spanish began in earnest in the eighth century, although even before then some words of Latin and Greek origin had roots in Arabic. People living in what is now Spain spoke Latin at one time, of course, but over the centuries Spanish and other Romance languages such as French and Italian gradually differentiated themselves. The Latin dialect that eventually became Spanish was highly influenced by the invasion of the Arabic-speaking Moors in 711. For many centuries, Latin/Spanish and Arabic existed side by side, and even today many Spanish place names retain Arabic roots. It wasn't until late in the 15th century that the Moors were expelled, and by then literally thousands of Arabic words had become part of Spanish.
On the next page are some of the most common Arabic-origin Spanish words you'll come across. As you can see, many of the words also are a part of English. Although it is believed that the English words "alfalfa" and "alcove," which originally were Arabic, entered English by way of Spanish (alfalfa and alcoba), most Arabic words in English probably entered English by other routes. Not all possible English translations of the Spanish words are listed.
aceite — oil
adobe — adobe
aduana — customs (as at a border)
ajedrez — chess
Alá — Allah
alacrán — scorpion
albacora — albacore
albahaca — basil
alberca — tank, swimming pool
alcade — mayor
alcatraz — pelican
alcázar — fortress, palace
alcoba — bedroom, alcove
alcohol — alcohol
aldea — village (same source as English word "alderman")
alfombra — carpet
algarroba — carob
algodón — cotton
algoritmo — algorithm
alkimia — alchemy
almacén — storage
almanaque — almanac
almirante — admiral
almohada — pillow
alquiler — rent
amalgama — amalgam
arroz — rice
asesino — assassin
atún — tuna
ayatolá — ayatollah
azafrán — saffron
azúcar — sugar
azul — blue (same source as English "azure")
baño — bathroom
barrio — district
berenjena — eggplant
burca — burqa
café — coffee
cero — zero
chisme — gossip, gadget
Corán — Koran
cuzcuz — couscous
dado — die (singular of "dice")
embarazada — pregnant
espinaca — spinach
fez — fez
fulano — what's-his-name
gacela — gazelle
guitarra — guitar
hachís — hashish
harén — harem
hasta — until
imán — imam
islam — Islam
jaque — check (in chess)
jaque mate — checkmate
jirafa — giraffe
laca — lacquer
lila — lilac
lima — lime
limón — lemon
macabro — macabre
marfil — marble, ivory
masacre — massacre
masaje — massage
máscara — mask
mazapán — marzipan
mezquita — mosque
momia — mummy
mono — monkey
muslim — muslim
naranja — orange
ojalá — I hope, God willing
olé — bravo
paraíso — paradise
ramadán — Ramadan
rehén — hostage
rincón — corner, nook
sorbete — sherbet
sofá — sofa
rubio — blond
talco — talc
tamarindo — tamarind
tarea — task
tarifa — tariff
toronja — grapefruit
zanahoria — carrot
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Ongoing Spanish Group Class every Tuesday Night in Santa Monica
I am offering this class for people interested in learning Spanish but can not afford my private one -on-one classes. In the Ongoing Spanish Class we learn PRACTICAL SPANISH
to help you get by when you are travelling or if you just want to know some basic Spanish so you can get by in Los Angeles with ease. ( LOL! ) Come Practice Your Spanish in a FUN Setting:
Classes are ongoing in Santa Monica every Tuesday Night.
January 28: Introductionrs and Talking about Yourself
February 4: Directions
February 11: How to Order at a Restaurant
February 25: How to Tell Time
Classes are $30 per person, drop in, but if you buy a package of 5 Classes it's just $25 per person. You can purchase a package of classes by following the link below. All Materials are included. You can purchase your pass to get in the class online by following the link below.Classes will begin on January 28 and will be ongoing throughout the Spring. It's best to start on January 28, 2014, but you can start at anytime as every week we will be covering a bit of the material from the previous week/ s. Please RSVP by emailing me at - If you'd like to just buy one class at $30 time that is fine too, go to link below
You may also call me on (310) 993-6007 for more information..
I look forward to seeing you soon !
This article was written by Sabrina Rongstad-Bravo
Bookmark this on Delicious
to help you get by when you are travelling or if you just want to know some basic Spanish so you can get by in Los Angeles with ease. ( LOL! ) Come Practice Your Spanish in a FUN Setting:
Classes are ongoing in Santa Monica every Tuesday Night.
January 28: Introductionrs and Talking about Yourself
February 4: Directions
February 11: How to Order at a Restaurant
February 25: How to Tell Time
Classes are $30 per person, drop in, but if you buy a package of 5 Classes it's just $25 per person. You can purchase a package of classes by following the link below. All Materials are included. You can purchase your pass to get in the class online by following the link below.Classes will begin on January 28 and will be ongoing throughout the Spring. It's best to start on January 28, 2014, but you can start at anytime as every week we will be covering a bit of the material from the previous week/
You may also call me on (310) 993-6007 for more information..
I look forward to seeing you soon !
This article was written by Sabrina Rongstad-Bravo
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Happy New Year -2014 Events within the Hispanic Community Los Angeles
Dear Students,
I wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous 2014 !
La Escuela Español is celebrating its 7th year on the planet. I am very happy to anounce some very exciting and happy changes and progress. That said, in the spirit of celebration, I'd like to invite you out to some wonderful celebrations that will be happening in Los Angeles. There will be festivals, music concerts, Flamenco dance events, Aztec Dancers and that will give you an opportunity to not only use your Spanish, but to enrich your life with the beautiful and colorful Latin culture.
I will also be continuing my Spanish Classes for the community. They are held on Tuesday afternoons in Santa Monica. Classes are ongoing, each class we discuss practical matters in daily life: Introductions, Directions, Ordering at a restaurant, Reserving Accommodations and even Asking someone to dance. Your first class is free with this email, please RSVP.
I also just published some articles in my blog, Learning Spanish is Fun ! that will help you learn more about Latin Culture, Music and of course the Spanish language. If you have not subscribed yet, please do so by entering your email in the subscription box on my blog page.
Here are a list of some events that you can mark on your calender for the early this year 2014:
LA PLACITA OLVERA: FIESTA DE LA CANDELARIA - February 2nd - Traditional blessing of elaborately dressed icons in the culmination of the Christmas season. Music and prizes.125 Paseo De La Plaza, Los Angeles, CA
![]() |
Artisanal Goods- La Placita Olvera |
Mexican Folkloric Costumes |
Vendors at La Placita Olvera |
LA POESÍA FÉSTIVAL- 2014, Friday, January 17, 8:00PM to 10:00PM. Celebration of Latino Poetry, Bring your own poetry. Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center.681 Venice Blvd. Venice, California 90291. http://www.
LIVE AZTEC DANCERS: 2014- Every Afternoon during the week on the Plaza of La Placita Olvera.
SALSA BALLROOM DANCING: -2014, January 25. Salsa Dance Lessons every Monday Night-UCLA Ballroom Dance Society- Kerchoff Hall. Grand Salon.
please email Cynthia & James for more information
FINE ART- Jack Rutberg Fine Arts Gallery. Jordi Alcaraz Artist Extended: 2014, extended through January.
http:// http://www.
AMERICAN SABOR: LATINOS IN AMERICAN POPULAR MUSIC: -2014, until February 9. CSULA Fine Arts Gallery 5151 State University Drive.Los Angeles.
Mambo Dancers |
I hope that you will join me this 2014 to experience the beautiful Latin culture in Los Angeles and have some fun and practice your Spanish !
I look forward to seeing you soon !
This article was written by Sabrina Rongstad-Bravo
Friday, 10 January 2014
The Latin Ballad
The Latin Ballad
The Latin Ballad Playlist
Enjoy the beautiful, romantic and sensual music of Julio Iglesias, Edy Gorme, Celia Cruz, and Pedro Infante.
This article was written by Sabrina Rongstad-Bravo
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